
Lineage History F-106A 580785

340 (277 A, 63 B)
Oct 1959 - 146th F-106 produced by Convair at San Diego CA
26 Oct 59- To 4750th ADW MacDill AFB FL
25 Jun 60 - To 73rd AD Tyndall AFB FL
17 Jan 61 - To M & S GP Tyndall AFB FL
27 Jul 61 - To 4756th ADGp Tyndall AFB FL
23 Nov 62 - To 4756th ADW Tyndall AFB FL
07 Feb 66 - To 27th FIS Loring AFB ME
01 Jul 71 - To 83rd FIS Loring AFB ME
20 Jun 72 - To 95th FIS Dover AFB DE
29 Sep 72 - To ADWC Tyndall AFB FL
03 Feb 73 - To 119th FIS/177th FIG Atlantic City NJ ANG
?? Jul 74 - To 159th FIS/125th FIG Jacksonville FL ANG
07 Feb 77 - Crashed. Pilot Maj. Lon H. Wessinger Jr. killed in crash.
Maj. Lon H. Wessinger Jr.
TAC Conventional: Models produced with Tactical 'Round Eye' instruments.

Conventional: Models were originally committed as TEST or BAILMENT aircraft..

TEST-to-TACTICAL: Models returned to Convair and upgraded from TAC Conventional to Vertical
instruments in 1961. Fuselage cut in half at station 412 (Aft bulkhead missile bay) and a new fuselage, cockpit section,
and nose section was installed with the latest production avionics, the same as the last F-106A 590148 and F-106B 590165.
A total of 35 aircraft (28 "A" models and 7 "B" models) were converted and reassigned to various ADC units..

Vertical, 1st Produced: First 'A' and 'B' models produced with vertical instruments.
Tactical Vertical: Models factory produced w/Tactical Vertical instruments: late 1957 and all 1958, 1959..

F-106 Specifications
Role/Function  Fighter-Interceptor
Manufacturer  Convair Division of General Dynamics
Country  United States
Crew  'A' Model 1, 'B' Model 2
Power plant  Pratt & Whitney J-75-P-17 Turbojet
Thrust  24,500 lbs. in Afterburner
Max Speed  1,525 mph (Mach 2.31) @ 40,000 ft
Service Ceiling  53,000 ft
Wing Span  38 ft. 3½ in. 
Length  70 ft 8.78in
Height  20 ft 3.3in
Weight  23,646 lb. empty, 41,831 lb max
Cost USD  $3,305,435 Initial, $4.7M after MODS
Range  2,700 mi. max fuel w/ext tanks
No. Built  340 (277 'A', 63 'B') 
Armament  AIR-2A (1) AIM-4 (4) M61A1 (1) 
Fire Control System  Hughes MA-1 / IBM Semi-Automatic Ground Environment (SAGE) System
Ejection Seats  
1st Seat  Weber Aircraft Corporation Interim seat, not Zero-Zero, inadequate for supersonic speed ejections. 
2nd Seat  Convair/ICESC (Industry Crew Escape System Committee) Supersonic Rotational B-seat, called the supersonic 'Bobsled'. 
3rd Seat Final  Weber Aircraft Corporation Zero-Zero ROCAT (Rocket Catapult), Zero-Zero, High-altitude supersonic ejections, retro-fitted to all aircraft. 
Mfr. Model #  MK No. 8-24