340 (277 A, 63 B)
xx Feb 59 - 47th F-106 produced by Convair at San Diego CA
29 May 59 - To 498th FIS Geiger Field WA 02 Dec 59 - To SAMA (McClellan AFB CA) xx Dec 60 - Minor incident occurred in in Dec 1960 with 498th FIS, Geiger Field, WA. They were testing fuel shifting at McClellan AFB CA and got too much weight aft. A GD/Convair field team was installing qualified cold-weather fuel valves. This happened during the refueling check-out phase when someone forgot to manually turn off a valve in the main wheel well on this early configured aircraft. The result was that the fuel wasn't distributed properly and it caused a center of gravity situation where there was more weight behind the main landing gear than there was weight forward of the main landing gear. Courtesy of Joe Sylvia 19 Jul 61 - To 498th FIS, 84th FG, Spokane IAP WA 06 May 63 - To 456th FIS Castle AFB CA 09 Oct 64 - To 539th FIS McGuire AFB NJ 12 Jun 67 - To 456th FIS Castle AFB CA 01 Jul 68 - To 437th FIS, 414th FG, Oxnard AFB CA 30 Sep 68 - To 460th FIS, 414th FG, Oxnard AFB CA 24 Nov 69 - To 460th FIS, 408th FG, Kingsley Field OR 30 Apr 71 - To 460th FIS Grand Forks AFB ND 05 Apr 72 - To 186th FIS/120th FIG Great Falls IAP MT (ANG) 20 Apr 87 - To Davis Monthan AFB AZ for storage FN135 18 May 92,- To AEL Inc., East Alton IL for drone conversion 11 Aug 92 - To Holloman AFB NM as QF-106 drone S/N AD198 17 Dec 96 - Shot down on 1st NULLO by a Patriot
Patriot Missile
instruments in 1961. Fuselage cut in half at station 412 (Aft bulkhead missile bay) and a new fuselage, cockpit section, and nose section was installed with the latest production avionics, the same as the last F-106A 590148 and F-106B 590165. A total of 35 aircraft (28 "A" models and 7 "B" models) were converted and reassigned to various ADC units.. Tactical Vertical: Models factory produced w/Tactical Vertical instruments: late 1957 and all 1958, 1959.. F-106 Specifications