This picture is not from Moose Jaw Airport.It was taken at Minot A.F.B. around the spring of 1976. Under the front windscreen is a bi-centennial decal that was only used in 1976.The drop tanks with the lighting stripe was rarely used also.This was during a Pre-flight inspection after it had come out of Phase dock I used to work at.The airman on the left was Egress shop I think and I am the Airman on the right changing a worn out remove before flight banner on a landing gear safety pin assembly.
- Monday 21 February 2022 13:17
Left to Right: Carole Stiteler, Sharon Kwiecinski, and Sandy Stultz. These three ladies made the 2021 F-106 Reunion in Melbourne, FL happen! Their efforts in organizing the Hospitality Suite and tending to hundreds of other details their Husbands were involved in made this one of the most successful F-106 Reunions we have ever had. Thank You Carole, Sharon, and Sandy! We'll see you in San Antonio.
- Wednesday 26 May 2021 19:15
Was in the CN&L truck when it came down
- Wednesday 31 March 2021 21:14
The Phase/Iso 200 hourly or 400 hourly inspection dock was like home for my 2 years at Minot.The black hanger was like a bee hive if we got backed up waiting for parts.Some times we would have to K-Ball parts off an inbound to send out an outbound.
- Wednesday 3 February 2021 22:07
I only had brief chats with Gordo as we were the guest speakers at the 106 Dart Out. He recommended I read his book, '"Leap of Faith" which he describes his experience intercepting UFOs, documenting UFO intercepts and creating an international team to represent the USA and the UN WHEN the aliens do decide to encounter earthlings......He also goes into detail regarding space encounters by himself and other astronauts that was hushed up........He reflected on Werner VonBraun's withheld documentation for UFOs following V2 launches out of Hitlers Peenemunde Launch site in WWII. Interesting reading for sure!!! Wish I had known to ask....!!!Duhhhh.
- Wednesday 3 February 2021 21:57
I had signed up to fly this cross country mission but had been overridden by the 48th CC Ron Bernd. He informed me that due to my previous mission with the Genrl, where, as the IP, I required the Division Commander, under duress, to divert due to excessive headwinds, he did not want to fly with me. The commander replaced me with Tom Gerken, one of the best pilots in the 48th.
post crash investigation recovered only a slightly dirty AFWatch with matching serial numbers as having been assigned originally to one BGen Francis Humphrey. 157 was a dear loss as it had recently undergone a 60 day intense modification to repair major UHF communications interference which had curtailed its OR. The alternate 158 continued to be flown with major communications issues for two years. DiSz True Tale!
- Wednesday 3 February 2021 21:28
I am so remiss in not keeping current with Mr McGees truly outstanding website!!!! ME BADD BADD BADD. Never saw the wonderful video on the Memorial Day Miracle. GREAT PUT TOGETHER!!! DICK Stultz
- Saturday 25 July 2020 07:26
Jim Rungee, great job capturing Captain Eugene Maury Wade's film of a F-106 formation take off! Great music selection. Pat Perry
- Tuesday 5 November 2019 13:45
I was part of the transition team, bringing these birds from Castle to Oxnard. I did run up and trims; signed off Red X conditions and was a test cell operator. Hated seeing them retired. One great aircraft.
- Tuesday 5 November 2019 13:43
I did run up and trims on this aircraft; signed off on Red X conditions. Hoping she survived the drone conversion