F-106 Delta Dart ADWC

Air Defense Weapons Center



Wing / Group(s) Assigned:
4756th OMS, AMS, FMS, MMS

Air Division(s) Assigned:

Tyndall AFB, FL

Dates Unit Was Active:

26 Oct 1959 - 09 Apr 1984

Alert Detachment’s:

Number of Aircraft:
28 TDY or loaned from FIS units

Number of Aircraft Loses:

13 Lost

Assigned Aircraft

The Air Defense Weapons Center (ADWC) was the largest support unit in ADC. It was a huge operation, maintaining large numbers of various aircraft, including the F-106, F-101, F-102, T-38. T-33, B-57 and possibly others. The major support units under the ADWC were:
4756th Avionics Maintenance Squadron (AMS)
4756th Field Maintenance Squadron (FMS)
4756th Munitions Maintenance Squadron (MMS)
4756th Organizational Maintenance Squadron (OMS).

The squadrons were independent, each with its own Commander, Orderly Room, etc. The ADWC Commander Slot was a Brigadier General.

The ADWC F-106s were maintained combat ready for all systems and subsystems with no exceptions. Although the ADWC did not have an alert commitment, rails and racks were required to be tested with airborne evaluator equipment and qualified prior to live armament loading and firing. The Center operated under the same qualifying regulations, The ADC Weapons System Evaluation Program, (WSEP) as the Fighter Interceptor Squadrons with no exceptions made because of the Pilot Training Mission. The Center underwent ORIs with mass load and intercept flying phase under the same rules as any other squadron. In the mid 70's the Center operated the F-106 Pilot Training Program with 14 'A' models and 19 'B' models. CMSgt (Ret) Dick Lewis served in the 4756th AMS from Sep '72 until his Jul '77 retirement. He is our resident expert on ADWC Avionics affairs for that period. Thanks Dick.

Other units under ADWC included:

2nd Fighter Interceptor Training Squadron (FITS)
83rd Fighter Weapons Squadron (FWS)
460th Fighter Interceptor Training Squadron (FITS)
4756 Combat Crew Training Squadron (CCTS)
4756 Flying Training Squadron (FTS)

F-106s were assigned to Tyndall AFB FL from 26 Oct 59 to 09 Apr 84.  This does not include the QF-106s that returned as drones later.