Home / Association
March 3, 2025
Mission Statement
To collect, catalog, publish, and share as much knowledge of the F-106 Delta Dart legacy as can be found.
Our Vision
Commemorating the past to preserve the memory of the F-106 Delta Dart heritage, keep its history alive, and share its historic legacy with the world.
Our Mission
Founded in 1998 by Patrick McGee, the www.f-106deltadart.com historical website coordinated with other F-106 Delta Dart groups to form an association in 2018. Collaborative efforts included the F-106 website creator, F-106 reunion committees, Authors of F-106 books, F-106 Facebook social media groups, F-106 Alumni groups and many aviation enthusiasts. The association is dedicated to preserving the history, lineage and memory of the Convair F-106 Delta Dart, the Ultimate Interceptor, last of the US Air Force Century Series Fighters. The association advocates with a large F-106 “Six” community of pilots, maintainers and aviation enthusiasts all sharing a common experience of working with this legendary World Speed Record holding jet aircraft.
Our Associates and Partnerships
The f-106deltadart.com website is the portal to all aspects of the Association. We are a non-profit group of independent volunteers. We are not associated with Convair, the United States Air Force, the Department of Defense or any other government organization or agency.
Membership is Free
We charge no dues. We ask nothing of our members other than to share their experiences, photos and stories of the Six. We ask, but do not require, you to allow us to publish them on the website, photo gallery, in newsletters, on social media pages etc. Proper credit are always given (unless asked not to).
To become a member simply register in the F-106 Delta Dart Alumni Registry.
All are welcome to enjoy the content of the website, however membership and alumni registration is limited to those with actual F-106 experience and/or association - and yes, association includes Security Police, Fuel Truck drivers and any other supporting personnel who worked with us Sixers who we could not have done without - you are all welcome to register as alumni.
Patrick McGee Founder/Administrator F-106 Delta Dart Website/Forums, Webmaster 456 FIS Alumni Committee
Pat Perry Administrator F-106 Delta Dart Forums, Secretary & Communications 456 FIS Alumni Committee
Ken Wigton* Founder F-106 All-Troops Reunion Committee
Bob 'Ski' Kwiecinski Co-Chairman F-106 All-Troops Reunion Committee
Dave Stiteler Co-Chairman F-106 All-Troops Reunion Committee
Howard Tennyson Founder Convair F-106 Delta Dart Facebook Group
Bruce Gookin Co-Founder 456 FIS Alumni Committee
Jim “Arnie” Arnold Co-Founder 456 FIS Alumni Committee
Bob Justus* Photographer, Founder 456th FIS Website, Reunion Coordinator 456 FIS Alumni Committee
Col John Marcotte* Last CO of 456 FIS & Fund Raiser 456th FIS Alumni Committee
Paul Ketchum Researcher 456 FIS Alumni Committee
Lou Pizzarello Reunion Coordinator 456 FIS Alumni Committee
Ralph Robledo Castle Restoration Specialist 456 FIS Alumni Committee
Jim Gier* Clock and Plaque Craftsman 456 FIS Alumni Committee
Joe Pruzzo CEO Castle Air Museum, 456 FIS Alumni Committee
Marty J. Isham* Aircraft Historian and Researcher, Author
Erv Smalley* Reunion Coordinator 456 FIS Alumni Committee
Al Mueller* Reunion Coordinator 456 FIS Alumni Committee
Dean Rager Reunion Coordinator 456 FIS Alumni Committee
Mike Woloszyn Reunion Coordinator 456 FIS Alumni Committee
Laverne 'Bear' Bruhn* Reunion Coordinator 456 FIS Alumni Committee
Bill McKinney* Reunion Coordinator 456 FIS Alumni Committee
* Deceased member - Rest in Peace Old Friends