Founded in 1998 to commemorate my memories as an F-106 crew chief with the 87 FIS Red Bulls and 318 FIS Green Dragons, the Convair website has evolved into an organization dedicated to preserving the complete history, lineage, and memory of everything related to the "Six", The Ultimate Interceptor. Here, on our Forums and in the Facebook group we share experiences and recollections of this historical World Speed Record holding aircraft as a vast Six community of pilots, maintainers, support staff, and aviation fans. We are constantly searching for additional content of anything F-106 related. Contact Us if you have something to share. -- Patrick J. McGee, USAF (Ret)
* Add: Career events, photos, experiences, historical events or more
* History & Lineage: From manufacturing to demise, or survivor
All-Troops Reunion Coming In:
Brought to you by the F-106 Delta Dart Reunion Committee
* Always Adding Photos: Photos, your experiences, history and more
* Always Adding Videos: New videos are being found routinely and added
* Then & Now: Includes airframes moved or removed from locations
* Col Joe Rogers: December 15, 1959 in F-106A Serial Number 56-0467
* Available on the eStore: This coin, along with other F-106 memorabilia
* Hardcover, Paperback, ebooks: Search Amazon yourself to find more
The Century Series fighters are a group of 6 U.S. full production fighter jets that were numbered F-100, F-101, F-102, F-104, F-105 and F-106. Although these were considered "2nd Generation" fighters, sharing common technology, the basis for this club was actually the "10x" numbering of full production aircraft. Of note, 2nd generation aircraft were not limited only these 6 Century Series fighters. The 2nd Generation generally spans an era from the mid-1950's to the mid-1960's when military fighter jets made leaps in technical advancements including engine design, aerodynamics, metallurgy, electronics and weapons systems. 2nd generation aircraft generally could maintain speeds over Mach 1 in level flight. Swept wings became the norm and delta wings came into play with their Area Rule 'coke bottle' shaped fuselages reducing drag. Traditional guns became uncommon and were replaced by air-to-air missiles, some with nuclear tips. There were other "hundreds" numbered aircraft under development during this Century Series timeframe to include the F-103, F-107, F-108 and F-109, however none of them were ever produced, some never even built. And the F-110 and number higher were not part of the 10x series numbering sequence. Below is a graphic depicting the differences.
In the years immediately following World War 2, many USAAF/USAF aircraft used markings that would make it possible to identify low-flying aircraft from the ground. This was intended to discourage the unsafe practice of pilots of high-performance aircraft making low passes (colloquially known as "buzzing") over ground points. Consequently, these numbers came to be known as buzz numbers. The F-106 carried two different buzz numbers; An early F-102B buzz number and a later F-106 number