William Tell Weapons Meet

1984 William Tell Weapons Meet

William Tell 1984 was notable for a couple of reasons. This was the last year that F-106 equipped units competed, although in the next meet in 1986 the 'Six' still participated as TARGETS!  This was also the introduction of the supersonic QF-100 full-scale unmanned target drone replacing not only the PQM-102's but also the sub-scale BQM-34 'Firebee'. 1984 was also the first year since 1963 that the Canadian Armed Forces did not send a team to compete.

William Tell '84 comprised of 12 teams from 5 USAF commands or subordinate organizations. The only command to have problems deciding which units to send to Tyndall was Air Defense Tactical Air Command (ADTAC). With 17 ADTAC and ADTAC gained ANG Interceptor Squadron's to choose from and only 7 available places, the command decided to hold a competition named the 'William Tell 84 Shoot-off' to select the units to be sent to Tyndall. This comprised of a series of one day evaluations held during May 1984. Each unit's team comprised of 5 aircraft and crews (4 primary aircraft/crews plus 1 spare), maintenance/weapon loader personnel and a weapons controller team. The Weapons Controller Teams selected were from units that normally worked with the Squadron, in this case 24th NORAD, Griffiss AFB.

1984 William Tell


33 TFW - Eglin AFB, FL

123 FIS - Portland IAP, OR (ANG)

33 TFW - Eglin AFB, FL

177 FIG, 119 FIS, Atlantic City, NJ (ANG)

Capt. Scott C. Turner
32 TFS
Camp New Amsterdam, Netherlands

Maj. Ron M. Moore
Maj Bill C. Dejager
123 FIS, Portland IAP, OR (ANG)

Capt. Scott C. Turner
32 TFS, Netherlands

Maj. Lynn Robinson
119 FIS, Atlantic City NJ

Participating F-106 Units

87 FIS: F-106A
56-0466, 57-0241, 59-0035, 59-0051, 59-0097
The 87th FIS were the only active duty F-106 operator competing in WT84 and this was the last time active duty 'Six's' would attend. A 'Red Bulls' F-106A 56-0466 taxis in after a mission.

101 FIS: F-106A
57-2467, 57-2493, 57-2503, 57-2505, 57-2506
This was the third time the 101st had competed in a William Tell, in 1978 they finished fourth, 1980 second was this third time lucky.F-106A 57-2505 would appear at Tyndall again but as a target, QF-106/AD204. It was shot down in 1993 by a AIM-7M.

119 FIS: F-106A
59-0027, 59-0031, 59-0037, 59-0048, 59-0049
The New Jersey ANG 177 FIG were destined to be last operational operators of the Delta Dart. F-106A 59-0048 would return to Tyndall, as most F-106'swould, under the 'Pacer Six' Drone conversion project. As QF-106/AD217 it crashed on landing on 5 November 1996.